Busy time in July shooting some beautiful portrait shoots in Manchester with Photographer Alice Webb and Makeup Artist Lydia Reed.
Our first shoot was with the beautiful model Reicela Paula from Boss Models Management. We did 2 looks in total. The first look was a sleek ponytail and the second look was a wet look. Both looks were kept in keeping with the luxury theme.
The second look was with Sasha Tesoro from j’adore models. I created a natural look of soft waves and we played around with hair accessories.
Lydia has given some breakdowns of her looks. So please watch and take a look at the video and images below. Enjoy!!
To create a flawless no makeup makeup Its really important to do a good skin prep, I make sure to cleanse, tone and moisturiser the skin first, then I went in with the a hydrating mask and left it on the skin while James did the hair. Once he was finished I put a serum on the skin and let it soak in while I start on the brows. Once that’s been left to absorb into the skin I used a small amount of concealer under the eyes to get rid of any discolouration, I then started to spot concealer any blemishes on the skin. Once I’d finished concealing I then move onto foundation by mixing together in my hands Mac face and body, with a couple of drops of essential oil and liquid glow drops and work it into the skin. I then powdered any areas that need powdering. And that’s how you achieve fresh glowing flawless skin!

This liner is more simple than it looks to do, I used a green eyeliner pencil and started to create a liner in small steps, I started from the middle and worked my way out, sketched out the wing and then went back into the middle to connect it to the inner corner of the eye. A top tip for this is Making sure your pencil is sharpened and doing it in small steps instead of one big line! From there I started to make the liner thicker, asking the model to look at you is helpful as you can see how thick you can go with it and if the wing is in the right position. Once I had done that I cleaned up the bottom of the wing with concealer to make sure it was clean and sharp. I then went in with a green pigment using a small fluffy brush to give it a bit of depth and a two tone look to it, this makes the liner stand out a lot more than just doing one colour!